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HTML5 getting support from Facebook?

Readers of blogbangocom will be well aware of Bango's strong support for the development of "web apps" - which can be delivered across a wide

How big is the App Store Opportunity

Bango is powering the Blackberry App Store to enable customers to buy Apps and put the charges on their carrier bill   Bango is also working with

Mobile Wallet Opportunities for Bango

A number of shareholders have been asking about how Bango views the "mobile wallets" that have been discussed and announced a great deal over the

Why music matters…….

…this question has been at the top of my mind this week, prompted by several parallel events Google announced its cloud music "locker" service

Why iPhone users want more choice

A recent article in FierceWireless Europe (March 11) reviewed findings by market research company Analysys Mason, which speculates on how

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