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Premium SMS vs Direct Operator Billing

by Sukey Miller

Direct Operator Billing vs Premium SMSBango has always focused on Direct Operator Billing – and avoided the use of Premium SMS (PSMS). PSMS has a potential for poor user experiences and does not provide the security and auditability of payment processing that is required by the larger and more reputable brands.

There is a great whitepaper available for free download here about the crucial differences between these payment methods.

During 2008-2010 the UK mobile operators started to move away from PSMS towards Direct Operator Billing. The same process was followed in Germany in 2013.

Last week the US mobile operators announced that they too would move – very quickly – away from Premium SMS.

The leading app stores powered by Bango, have already made the decision to back the consumer friendly solution – Direct Operator Billing.

We expect that the moves in UK, Germany and USA will eventually spread across the globe to mandate Direct Operator Billing, with its consumer protections and great user experience as its natural successor.

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