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Continued momentum in Asia as Trevor Goldberg elected to MEF Asia Board

by Sukey Miller

Trevor Goldberg, BangoBango has made significant progress across Asia during the last 24 months, with Direct Carrier Billing launched in many “mobile-first” countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Singapore, the Philippines and others. As part of our market development across the region, we’re pleased to announce that Trevor Goldberg, Bango’s VP Business Development, Mobile Network Operators, has been elected to the board of MEF Asia.
Bango is a proud and active member of the Mobile Ecosystem Forum, known as MEF, the global trade body that acts as a leader and influencer for the ever growing mobile ecosystem. Through MEF, we strive to be good industry citizens, working to accelerate market growth and delivering trusted, inclusive services to enrich the lives of mobile consumers worldwide.
At this week’s MEF Connects Thailand, which took place in Bangkok, a new MEF Asia Board was elected, and Trevor Goldberg was one of those to be voted on to the board. Trevor joins representatives from Indosat, Telenor, MasterCard and others on the board, and will get to work immediately, helping to plan strategy and focus in Asia for the year ahead. High on the agenda will be MEF Global Forum, taking place in Bangalore on 30 June, 2015.
In 2015 MEF is focused on what it terms “mobile-first” markets. These are emerging markets, such as those in Asia and the Middle East, which may skip fixed infrastructure for voice and data, moving straight to mobile. Asia is a priority region for MEF, enjoying rapid growth, and with many strategic challenges which MEF can effectively address.
Trevor Goldberg was elected by MEF members – his industry peers. He has worked in the mobile technology sector for over 20 years and today holds responsibility for Bango’s MNO relationships throughout Asia. Bango has made built its presence across Asia in recent years, launching Direct Carrier Billing for the major app stores, including Google Play, Windows Phone Store and Samsung GALAXY Apps, in a variety of countries with more to be announced in the coming period. Having worked with MNOs, device manufactures, content providers, developers and app stores, Trevor will make a significant contribution to the objectives and aims of MEF in Asia.
Commenting on his election, Trevor said: “I’m proud that MEF’s members have judged me to be a worthy candidate to join this prestigious board, and I look forward to making a measurable difference, both to MEF Asia and the activities of its members”.

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