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Are you an operator who wants to launch app store carrier billing?

by Sukey Miller

skeleton-1 You have a key decision to make once you decide to launch carrier billing with an app store, one which can determine the success of the entire project – How do you connect to the app store?

Do you “Do-It-Yourself” and build your own connection, or do you use a third-party carrier billing provider? Whether you are
launching with your first or fifth app store, you need to answer this question before any work can begin. While it may seem attractive to do the connection yourself, you will face many issues that are common to all Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects.
The fact is that accidents happen with DIY projects. And that is not the only problem. DIY projects never work out as expected. Anyone who has tried knows the common issues: it takes longer than expected, costs spiral, enthusiasm drops, it’s much more complicated than you thought, and the project goes wrong somewhere during the process. Sound familiar?
So before you decide anything, read our guide to the five most common dangers facing you with a Do It Yourself approach to carrier billing integration.
“Don’t DIY” guide for operators
A “Do It Yourself” approach can leave you behind the competition. App store carrier billing is all about earning money and improving customer satisfaction. The Bango Payment Platform maximizes both.
The table below outlines the key differences between using Bango, the experts in app store carrier billing versus a Do-It-Yourself connection.
ladder (1)

Don’t DIY! Use the experts for app store carrier billing, use Bango.


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