PERL analysis: “Bango – Making waves in Japan”
by Sukey Miller

Download the latest analysis from Progressive Research (PERL), Bango: Making waves in Japan, covering the launch of Bango enabling physical goods payments for Amazon in Japan.
“Bango has announced what is, in our view, a significant Direct Carrier Billing (“DCB”) launch with Amazon in Japan. Bango Platform technology is enabling customers on Japan’s two largest mobile operator networks to purchase physical goods from Amazon Japan, charging the cost to their phone bill. We believe this is the first carrier billing payments service for physical goods from Amazon. The announcement contains no details on the terms of the transaction and for now we make no revisions to forecasts. Nevertheless, with the Japanese e-commerce market estimated at US$100bn annually and Amazon the market leader, we expect the deal to be substantial for Bango.” PERL, 2017
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