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So what did the folks with strange hair think of mobile?

by Sukey Miller

ad:tech is the place where all the trendy leaders in the online advertising business go to discuss and display their latest technologies and services – where clicks and page views are discussed alongside web search and ad network aggregation. For someone more familiar with the mobile world of CTIA, it’s a show full of strange hair, designer shoes and odd-shaped spectacles… 
tech San FranciscoBut at this show there is something very new in the air – the Mobile Web. Sure there are a few text message marketing companies but the real story is the good old internet on all those mobile phones – everyone knows it’s the new marketing revolution and wanted to know more – even those without a shiny new iPhone or 8Gig N95 know it’s the future. Bango, along with other leading mobile web companies like iLoop and NetBiscuits are showing the benefits of mobile in the first ever Mobile Marketing Pavilion.
Many people I spoke with had done their homework and knew about mobile but most did not realise the full extent of the opportunity or the maturity of the market. The biggest absense in the show were the big marketing agencies and the new mobile ad companies – both I’m sure would have found great benefits in attending.
So was it worth it? You bet, there was never a quiet moment and we had interesting people to speak with right up to the last second. Mobile certainly made an impact at this show and is most definitely here to stay. We look forward to the New York and London ad:tech shows.

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