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Bango’s outstanding contribution to mobile internet recognised by Mobile Data Association award

by Sukey Miller

Bango has won the ‘Best Mobile Internet Use’ Award presented by the Mobile Data Association (MDA) on July 1 2008. These prestigious industry awards recognise companies and individuals that have made an outstanding and innovative contribution to the rapidly growing UK mobile data industry. This means Bango has won two awards in two weeks, after picking up a special Gold Award at the Mobile Content Awards last week.
In making their selection, the judges commented: “The Bango Service has been awarded the MDA award for the best use of the mobile internet because of the company’s contribution to getting both big brands and small content providers to take advantage of mobile internet services. The mobile internet market has faced many hurdles in the past but Bango has worked within the constraints and is an early innovator.”

“It is very rewarding to be recognised by the industry for our role as a pioneer of the mobile internet. We’ve helped business of all sizes harness the new opportunities presented by this rapidly expanding market by providing a mobile content monetisation solution for the mass market.” said Ray Anderson, CEO of Bango

“The aim of the MDAs has been to show how much world-beating talent there is in the UK for mobile data applications and technology, and this list of award winners does just that,” explained Vice Chairman, Steve Reynolds. “Our winners have been able to demonstrate innovation and commercial success, which deserves this level of recognition.”

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