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Acquiring high value customers with Facebook

by Sukey Miller

Combine your current Facebook audiences, with powerful new Bango Marketplace audiences

Facebook is a proven channel for identifying and acquiring new customers for mobile apps and is successfully used by most of the world’s top app developers.

The Facebook Business platform makes it easy to segment defined target audiences and deliver compelling offers and advertising. To use Facebook, you simply select a range of demographic attributes that best match target customers of your game or app. Facebook users, opted-in to receive advertising, will see the ads as part of their Facebook news feed.

This method of advertising reaches large audiences but can deliver low monetization. App developers often see less than 2% click rates and more importantly, less than 0.5% proceeding to purchase or subscribe. This is partly because Facebook campaigns lack the relevant local in-store and in-app purchase insights needed to focus advertisements at customers more likely and able to buy.

Mobile Network Operators possess unique insights about their local market and have billing relationships with most of their countries population. Many mobile operators power app store payments using Direct Carrier Billing (DCB), giving them important knowledge of their customers in-store and in-app payments. Leveraging these unique insights makes your marketing and advertising significantly more relevant and direct.

Having access to these audiences within Facebook allows you to acquire a significantly higher number of paying customers – people much more likely to pay a premium for your in-app content, services or subscriptions.

Bango Marketplace enables these unique mobile operator insights to be segmented and mapped onto users in Facebook, and other channels – all without any data physically being shared. This allows you to target Facebook users that have a history of purchasing, those able to buy using their phone bill with DCB, or customers with specific app preferences.

Chosen mobile operator audiences are applied using the standard steps you are already familiar with in Facebook, making it easy to combine your current Facebook audiences, with powerful new Bango Marketplace audiences. Sign into Bango Marketplace today to select markets and audiences that will quickly grow the number of paying customers your marketing campaigns acquire.

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