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Bango enables global payments for Opera Mobile Store

by Sukey Miller

Bango Inc. announces that it will provide mobile payment for the Opera Mobile Store. Through agreements between Bango and Opera, users of the Opera Mini and Opera Mobile browsers will be able to purchase apps and pay for content within apps, placing the charges on their carrier bill or through a credit card using Bango’s browser-based payments directly from the mobile handset.
The Opera Mobile Store is quickly and easily accessed through a single-click from the Opera Mini and Opera Mobile browsers, making it immediately accessible to more than 100 million customers with no downloading or special provisioning required. The Opera Mobile Store is also accessible through any other mobile browser by going to Every user will discover apps and content targeting their specific mobile device, local market and currency. The store is one of the top ten app store services for mobile phone users available worldwide today.

Opera’s breakthrough is the delivery of a browser-based app store”, said Ray Anderson, Bango CEO “This means that localization, adaptation to different devices, support for multiple payment methods and currencies, can all be provisioned in real-time without the need to modify software on the device. Bango payment technology will automatically calculate and deliver the optimal payment experience for each individual user of the Opera Mobile Store, giving customers a great experience wherever they are and maximizing revenues for developers. We are proud to be working with Opera to provide this service”.

Our app store is hugely popular across the world with millions of customers accessing content every day. Delivering the best payment experience to our customers is essential and Bango provides the most sophisticated mobile payment technology available,” said Mahi de Silva, EVP, Consumer Mobile, Opera Software.

Bango powers global app stores with payment capabilities designed around the mobile device experience. Over ten years, the Bango service has evolved into a market-hardened platform trusted by the world’s largest content publishers and app stores. In addition to providing sophisticated billing capabilities the Bango platform delivers real-time analytics, full reporting and settlement services and customer support.
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