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Bango pinpoints best performing mobile ad campaigns and avoids advertisers paying too much

by Sukey Miller

Provides independence from third party advertising channels

Mobile marketers can now turn to the Bango mobile analytics tool and use the new goal comparison feature to see which mobile advertising campaigns and traffic sources deliver the best conversion rates. Advertisers can also compare the value of the traffic from third-party ad services using independent data provided by Bango Analytics. Some companies have already reported discrepancies approaching 20% between the traffic they are getting and what they have paid for, says Bango. 
With the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) reporting the need for “independent testing and scrutiny to build trust and confidence in the mobile advertising”, Bango aims to fill this gap with a service that provides hard data, free from any vendor bias. The new goal comparison feature helps marketers measure the return on investment for campaigns across different ad networks to make smarter buying decisions. 
The Bango User ID technology offers a level of precision not found with other mobile analytics products by providing a reliable and persistent identity for every mobile user.  It tracks real people as they enter a mobile website from different sources and reach a defined goal – such as click to call, buying content or downloading an application.

“It’s not the number of hits on your site that ultimately matters but whether they convert into value for the business,” said Ray Anderson, CEO of Bango.  “Being able to measure ROI through accurate tracking can make the difference between success and failure.”
“Businesses that aggregate traffic from a wide variety of sources and want an independent way of ensuring the traffic they receive is what they paid for, can use Bango Analytics as their trusted auditing tool,” adds Anderson.

Bango Analytics operates as a hosted service, allowing mobile website owners anywhere in the world to connect their sites to the Analytics service in minutes and use it free of charge. Try it at
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