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Bango delivers independent measurement for BlackBerry Advertising Service

by Sukey Miller

Marketers benefit from leading-edge mobile analytics for new smartphone advertising platform

Bango Inc, the leading mobile analytics and payment company, today announced that Bango Analytics fully supports the new BlackBerry® Advertising Service. Customers using the new BlackBerry Advertising Service can capture independent measurement across all campaigns for BlackBerry applications through Bango’s unique mobile analytics technology.
Bango Analytics enables mobile marketers using the BlackBerry Advertising Service to track activity across every user connection, including mobile web, Internet and Wi-Fi®. The technology tracks all events across mobile applications that use the ad service as well all web pages and other marketing channels.
Uniquely, Bango delivers mobile analytics data in real-time, giving advertisers the tools to adjust their campaigns while they are running. Bango Analytics records information across all ad networks, reporting ad impressions, post click behavior, calls-to-action and revenues. Bango’s sophisticated reporting tools give mobile marketers the management-level overview and detailed analysis of their ad conversions and ROI from the new BlackBerry Advertising Service.

“The open approach adopted on the BlackBerry Advertising Service is a key differentiator,” said Ray Anderson, CEO at Bango. “Rather than dictating a fixed set of closed mobile marketing tools, RIM is showing its marketing reach and power by enabling leading ad networks and analytics solutions, like Bango Analytics, to deliver accurate and independent results for their developers, building trust in the platform.”

According to recent research by Bango, BlackBerry smartphones represent the best market opportunity for advertisers with consumer numbers representing around one third of all US mobile website traffic. See for further details.
Bango’s leading mobile analytics solution uses unique tracking technology that records users’ ad interactions across all mobile advertising networks, providing developers and mobile marketers a comprehensive view of their ad campaigns performance. Bango Analytics also supports other mobile ad platforms to provide a unified and independent view across all mobile marketing spend. For more information visit
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