Blackberry App World: Carrier Billing via Bango now Live in 10 Countries
by Sukey Miller

The importance of Blackberry App World (BBAW) to the fortunes of RIM (The Maker of the ubiquitous Blackberry) was underlined by Mike Lazaridis – co-CEO of RIM – during their investor update on Friday 16th September ( ).
Mike showed a slide to outline the key capabilities of App World 3.0, which has just started to be deployed to Blackberry users. Alongside the enhanced merchandizing and discovery features of BBAW, the importance of Carrier Billing was mentioned, and the fact that Carrier Billing (which is powered by Bango) was now live in TEN countries.
Bango started enabling Carrier Billing for BBAW in August 2010, going live with AT&T Wireless. Recent progress has been brisk, and the announcement of 10 countries rolled our already demostrated Bango’s progress over the past year.
With BBAW deployed in 131 markets world-wide, there is still a huge opportunity for further carrier billing activity, and Bango is working hard to deliver this as fast as possible to generate more sales for Blackberry App World vendors and to improve the user experience on Blackberry devices.
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