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Data integrity defines top three “must haves” for mobile campaign analytics

by Sukey Miller

Accurate proof of ROI crucial for increased brand investment in mobile marketing

Mobile analytics and payments specialist Bango today announced the most sought after measurements that advertisers want from their mobile marketing campaigns. Based on a survey conducted amongst its agency partners, Bango reveals that the common missing link is the integrity of basic mobile campaign data, from unique visitor counts to conversion rates.
The top three “must haves” identified in the survey are:
1. Number of unique visitors clicking the ad and landing on the resulting campaign page
2. Conversion rates for campaigns
3. Specific actions taken on the campaign site

“In all cases, the common theme we’re hearing from mobile marketers concerns the integrity of the data captured from mobile campaigns,” said Anil Malhotra, SVP Marketing at Bango. “There’s more work to be done to assure marketers that the numbers they’re getting are reliably derived and to educate brands and their agencies about how to do accurate mobile campaign analytics.”

Bango partners, including Yodel Digital, AKQA and Inside Mobile participated in the survey, which also asked how confident clients are in the metrics they are capturing from their mobile campaigns. The complexities of capturing data across multiple phones, browsers and network connections combined with shortcomings of PC analytics solutions has resulted in a lack of confidence in the basic campaign results being presented. This in turn is stalling mobile ad spend.

Commented Justyn Lucas, Managing Partner at agency Yodel Digital: “Without the basic foundation of accurate, unique user tracking, mobile campaign analytics is a fuzzy science.”

When asked how confident they are about their campaign data currently recorded, 78% of mobile marketers stated that there is considerable confusion caused by differences in reports generated from multiple ad networks and reconciling these with in-house measurements.

“Ultimately it is down to the brand marketers and agencies to place a priority on integrating analytics in every mobile campaign they run,” added Malhotra. “The very fact that mobile presents a much more complex landscape than the traditional desktop internet underscores the importance of a planned approach to measurement and reporting.”

Bango is publishing a white paper in its educational series on mobile marketing entitled “Increase your Campaign ROI with Mobile Analytics”, which explains what to look out for when instrumenting mobile campaigns to ensure accurate and consistent mobile measurements. The paper is free and will be available for download at
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