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Dear Santa – All I want for Xmas…

by Sukey Miller

Dear Santa,

It’s been over 20 years since I last wrote to you, but it’s taken some time to get over the disappointment of not getting the Cabbage Patch doll I wanted, you know.

Santa, I'm looking for content like this

Santa, I'm looking for content like this

This Christmas, though, I’ve only got one simple wish: I created a mobile site called Mobislim (you can visit it from your mobile typing in your mobile browser and I would love to fill it with funny content to make people laugh.

It’s all for a good cause, Santa, as any money we make from the site will go to Save The Children charity. My kind bosses at Bango have agreed to match the money made from the sales – I’ll never call them Scrooge again!

I’m sure you’ll agree that laughter is the best way to stay healthy, so anyone who contributes to Mobislim will be promoted for free, and get the opportunity to test their content using mobile analytics.

So please, Santa, can I get some fun content – images, videos, jokes, articles and games – to put on my mobile site, this Christmas? You can send them to me at and I’ll put all the best ones up. If you want to find out more, please visit the All I want for Xmas site in the Mobislim Blog.

With lots of love,
Maria x x

PS – I’ll leave extra chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of milk for you by the Christmas tree.
PPS – If you can arrange for a shiny new 3G iPhone or a date with George Clooney, I also really wouldn’t mind!

In case you are wondering what mobislim is, it’s an experimental mobile site, setup by the Bango team to demonstrate what mobile analytics can do and how to get started in mobile marketing. It provides humorous tips and tricks on slimming and dieting and the best exercise of all; laughter.

Everything that happens in the Mobislim mobile site is blogged in the Mobislim blog, for the benefit of the mobile community.

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