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E-books, tablets, e-readers….how these digital devices are changing the publishing industry

by Sukey Miller

How digital devices are changing the publishing industryAs devices like the Kindle, tablets and other e-readers continue to gain popularity, there’s no doubt that the future of the eBooks market is looking bright. The American Association of Publishers (AAP) has recently reported that eBooks sales have reached record levels and has attributed the success of the kindle, as one of the main factors driving eBooks sales. In contrast, sales of traditional hardbacks continue to fall.

The arrival of these digital devices has changed the way the publishing industry operates today, it has made it evolve and adapt fast to consumers’ changing habits. Some consumer publishers have embraced the digital world and used it as an opportunity to engage with readers in a different and innovative way. For others the decision of having to change their traditional business models in order to survive has been more difficult. They’re still unsure about which options are open to them and how to create the right balance between being innovative, while maximizing readership.

For publishers considering this new content delivery channel, mobile analytics plays an important role. Understanding their audience, engagement levels and sales conversions provides an essential measure of success. Detailed data available from analytics tools also identifies ways to optimize the reader experience across different platforms, increase readership by understanding target audiences and where to effectively invest marketing dollars.

At the London Book Fair, which takes place from 11-13 April, in London, some of the discussions will be centred around how these new digital devices are shaping the way the publishing industry is today. One seminar in particular will look at what apps can do for consumer publishers and how analytics can help them create a successful business model. For more information visit

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