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Financial Times selects Bango mobile analytics for new mobile site,

by Sukey Miller

Identifier technology lets users store their preferences against their FT profile
FT mobile site

FT mobile site

The Financial Times today launched a new version of the website optimised for mobile devices that uses Bango’s mobile analytics to provide a deep understanding of the traffic to the site and track responses to marketing initiatives.
In addition, the Financial Times is pioneering an advanced web experience for its growing mobile channel which consists predominantly of Blackberry and iPhone users. Using Bango’s Identifier technology, a user’s preferences are stored in their profile, so when they return they can quickly get to what interests them most.
“It’s important that the FT can quickly engage with their users and deliver the best possible web experience,” said Ray Anderson, CEO of Bango. “Bango and our proven Identifier technology allows them to do that easily. By uniquely identifying each user and assigning an anonymous User ID, the FT can deliver a user experience relevant to that individual.”
Bango mobile analytics encompasses both site analysis and campaign analysis for mobile marketing and advertising. Bango customers rely on detailed metrics (unique visitor count, country, network, handset of each user) to help them make the best decisions about future mobile investments and get closer to their customers. Bango mobile analytics is a hosted service and anyone can sign up for a 30 day trial at
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