Look how easy it is to find new paying users for your app!
by Anna Todd

When it comes to marketing your app, finding the people who pay in-app – the ones who increase your revenues – can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. But it doesn’t have to be like that! Bango Audiences make it easy to get your campaigns straight to users who pay in apps.
Check out our new video animation just to see just how easy it is to reach new paying users.
Created by using payment information from billions of dollars of in-app purchases, Bango Audiences are filled with users from all over the world who have paid in-app. Paying to reach users who never pay is a waste of your budget. Much better to bring into focus those who are most likely to spend and get your campaigns to them. It’s a simple process: Choose the audience you want from Bango Marketplace and plug it straight into your Facebook campaigns, with zero integration required. Next? Wait for the cash to roll in.
Stop looking for those needles in the haystack. Visit Bango Marketplace and choose your first audience.
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