Maria Garcia Vidondo joins Bango as VP Platform Operations
by Sukey Miller

We’re excited to announce the latest addition to Bango’s management team, as Maria Garcia Vidondo has joined us, as our Vice President Platform Operations. This is a new role which has been created as Bango continues on its growth path, serving increasing numbers of huge clients and seeing massive growth in reach.
Maria’s role is to ensure that the Bango Payment and Analytics experience is always available for Bango’s customers. Maria is focused on several measures which are pivotal to Bango’s business performance. Amongst them are ensuring maximum uptime, availability and quality assurance, managing production capacity, incident management, the creation of operating procedures and both legal and regulatory compliance.
Maria is a seasoned Operations lead, who thrives in the complex world of infrastructure projects, process alignment and designing customer-centric processes. She began her career at DANTE Ltd (Delivery of Advanced Network to Europe), where she quickly rose from Network Engineer to Operations Manager and finally Operations Director. At DANTE she worked with clients such as CERN and DEISA, devising technical, operational and procurement strategies to deliver services with 99.999% availability.
Maria loves to travel and particularly enjoys spending time in Asia. In early 2013 she spent six weeks volunteering on infrastructure projects in Cambodia. A Spanish native, Maria holds a master’s degree in Telecoms Engineering from the Public University of Navarra in Spain, and has lived in the United Kingdom since 2000. Welcome Maria!
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