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Mobile operators – ensure you are attractive to app developers

by Sukey Miller

Drive your Google Play revenues through app developer partnerships – Part 3

With the right tools, mobile operators become a crucial ingredient in today’s app economy, enabling app developers to successfully acquire, engage and monetize mobile subscribers.

Here we serialize the latest Bango guide for operators which explains how leveraging Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) insights opens-up new partnership opportunities with leading game and app developers to:

  • Attract new customers to DCB
  • Introduce significant new marketing revenues in addition to your DCB revenue
  • Optimize your own customer communications and marketing success
  • Increase the volume and value of DCB payments through Google Play

Drive your Google Play revenues through app developer partnerships – Part 3

Ensure you are attractive to app developers

Payment and marketing are directly linked and should never be treated in isolation. Doing so will significantly impact growth of both. The more DCB payments subscribers make, the more customer insights are generated which can used by app developers to refine their target audience to reach more customers likely to purchase. By enabling app developers to deliver better, more focused, marketing campaigns, their customer spend can be channeled towards DCB. Which in turn grows revenue shares and delivers more customer purchase knowledge to further boost app developer marketing – the DCB marketing circle.

Activating app store DCB knowledge

Data activation can be enabled for app developer marketing by:

  1. Upgrading to a solution that automatically supports app developer marketing activation – e.g. Bango Platform
  2. Integrating your current DCB solution with an app developer marketplace solution, e.g. the Bango Marketplace. One simple API integrates app store payment knowledge and drives app developer partnerships
  3. Some mobile operators want to expand beyond payments to other insights, using an advanced Customer Data Platform. The Bango “Audiens” CDP activates all mobile operator customer data, recorded across websites, apps and Customer Relationship Management solutions. It enables mobile operators to use all this knowledge to optimize their own, in-house customer communications and marketing campaigns. It allows them to work with many leading third parties and brands beyond app developers, for example automotive, travel and retail brands

Unleash the power of your data

Understand which app developers and media brands will thrive in your market

  • Which games and apps are already popular in your market?
  • Which games or apps should be popular – i.e. what apps are top in similar markets?
  • Which app developers and media brands are looking to expand in your market?

Identify and produce high-value customer segments – your audiences

  • Customers able to spend on bill with DCB
  • Proven top spenders
  • People known to buy similar apps in the same category (e.g. RPG, puzzle, music etc.)
  • Look-alike audiences, i.e. people who buy app A also buy other apps (e.g. app X, Y and Z) so who has bought those other apps but not app A?

Offer your audiences to these top app developers to power their campaigns and grow your market, measuring success as you go.

  • Facebook campaigns
  • Google campaigns
  • Other social / ad platforms
  • Display advertising
  • Mobile operator promotions in store, in-app and on websites

…..Part 4 is coming soon. If you can’t wait, download the full guide here

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