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Mobile payments from Bango increase eBook sales

by Sukey Miller

One-click operator billing delivers the highest conversion rates

Bango announces that it provides Mobcast, the digital book software platform, with operator billing for its mobile digital bookshop This means book-loving customers worldwide have the option to quickly and easily pay for eBooks and place the charge on their phone bill. The Bango charge-to-bill technology even works when the device connects over Wi-Fi.
Mobcast developed after spotting the potential offered by the increasing numbers and capabilities of mobile phones. With thousands of bestseller titles available on the digital bookshop, customers are able to purchase eBooks and audio books from the extensive catalogue and download them across their phone, PC, tablet or eReader from as little as 50p / 50¢.
Bango enables customers to place a charge on their phone bill for purchases made directly from the mobile version of the digital bookshop. This click-to-pay consumer experience is seamless and secure, maximizing conversion rates for purchases from connected phones and tablets across multiple platforms and networks including Wi-Fi.

By using Bango to deliver a consistent operator payment experience to all our customers we have seen a marked increase in sales. Conversion rates using operator billing are much higher than using other methods, and easier for our consumers”, said Stephen Crawford, Operations Director at Mobcast. “Over 50% of our customers read with their Android phone and an increasing number are using Wi-Fi for the faster connection speeds on offer – they can now buy the same way as everyone else. 75% of our customers choose operator billing through Bango, and no other billing solution lets our smartphone customers simply click-to-pay without additional registration.”

Operator billing provides customers with the quickest and easiest way to pay for content and services from their mobile device. We see an average of 70% payment conversion through operator billing compared to 40% for credit card”, said Anil Malhotra, SVP Marketing at Bango. “The customer experience is crucial and with operator billing a simple single-click is all that’s required to make a purchase.”

Bango provides Mobcast with detailed payment reports to track their revenues and see conversion rates for all purchases. In addition, Bango delivers insightful information about their customers, including country, network, device type and status of billing transactions, enabling Mobcast to provide an optimized service to their customers.
Having anticipated the market for digital books to mobile devices years ago, Mobcast is now a successful platform for digital books on both sides of the Atlantic. As it continues to grow through product innovation, Bango supports Mobcast by providing its leading billing solution.
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