Monetization and Analytics main topics at Mobile Future Forward
by Sukey Miller

Having attended the Mobile Future Forward event last week, it was interesting to hear the debates centered around the future of mobile, and how monetization and analytics took center stage among the topics discussed.
Three interesting takeaways points and conclusions I took from the conference were:
1. The US at the forefront of mobile
The US has gone from being a follower and being behind Europe to now being a leader in the mobile market. Mobile advertising is predicted to be a key area of growth for many mobile companies in the US.
Google and Apple continue to be major players driving mobile web uptake
2. There are three clear routes for monetization
– Click to pay
– Ad-funded
– Sale of content to a channel that then subsequently monetizes content for sale.
3. Move from 3G to 4G LTE handsets
This underlining technology will transform the way consumers browse from their mobile phones, enhancing the customer experience greatly.
One of the main conclusions was the need for holistic analytics. They play an important role for actionable insight into how customers interact with mobile sites and mobile apps. As more people choose to access and purchase content using their mobile phones, at Bango we believe that they will become even more important for businesses to succeed in the mobile space.
Bango is a key player in the mobile market. Our payment and analytics technology is already used by some of the major US brands, and will continue to evolve to support the needs of businesses working in the rapidly growing mobile market.
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