Need help getting valuable insight into mobile advertising?
by Sukey Miller

SMART report gives you insight into mobile advertising
It’s always great to get your hands on free mobile web industry stats, isn’t it? So I was pleased to find a new monthly report compiled by Millennial Media with a whole range of mobile advertising data.
It’s the first report I’ve seen of its kind and unlike the Admob stats, it seems more representative of the general market rather than Admob’s bias towards the iPhone mobile advertising market which has developed because it provides a specific service for advertisers who want to target iPhone users.
SMART which stands for Scorecard for Mobile Advertising Reach and Targeting is a monthly report providing a comprehensive view of the US mobile advertising market and device trends. The report details Millennial Media’s findings based on actual campaigns and additional statistics from independent analysts.
The reports which are also targeted at brand advertisers provide data and insights to drive decisions on mobile advertising campaign spend and includes campaign interactions, cost per engagement, key handset and carrier data plus much more.
One of the most insightful reports was the comparison of intent to purchase from mobile verses online campaigns. It shows the power of mobile campaigns particularly among 18-24 year olds whose intent to purchase was nine times higher on mobile than online.
It’s definitely worth a look – download the latest copy from the Millennial Media website.
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