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New Bango Application Analytics joins all the dots in real-time

by Sukey Miller

Developer SDK available cross-platform for data standardization

Bango Inc, the leading mobile analytics and payment company, today announced a new version of Bango Application Analytics. The plug-and-play solution gives mobile app developers a single, consistent Software Development Kit (SDK) enabling app developers to get a standardized view of their app activity across all mobile platforms and channels.

Bango Application Analytics is a joined-up solution that provides businesses with a complete view of their mobile business – across website navigation, application use and advertising campaigns. The new version also fully integrates with Bango Payment and the new BlackBerry App World carrier billing, allowing developers to relate application usage to revenues generated from end user payments and ads.

Bango Application Analytics

Bango's App Analytics gives a complete view of app activity across all mobile platforms

Bango’s online console gives developers the most comprehensive set of real-time application information available on the market today. Bango Application Analytics supports BlackBerry, Android and Apple, with more platforms, including Windows Phone 7, available soon. It delivers powerful reports, which can be easily be filtered by:
• Device type, manufacturer/model and platform OS
• Application name / version
• Event name, value and detail
• Operator and country
• Connection type (Wi-Fi or operator network)

“Bango app analytics provides accurate independent tools you can trust,” said Graham Summers, CEO of weComm, a specialist mobile app company. “Bango delivers all the reports we need in real-time, giving us a complete, unified view across all our apps on all platforms.”

The Bango Application Analytics SDK is quick to implement and works with both connected and off-line applications, providing automatic offline storage with no extra effort. Capturing large amounts of events data does not affect the performance of the application. It also leverages Bango’s award winning device detection technology for the most accurate information about application use across the widest number of mobile devices, including tablets and phones.
Data recorded is owned by the developer, providing a fully secure and trustworthy solution suitable for all types of application. This implementation is significant for brands and publishers that require full control and privacy over their user data.

“Bango has combined 11 years of mobile experience with award winning technology and global partnerships in order to take app analytics to a completely new level,” said Ray Anderson, CEO of Bango. “With developers pursuing a multi-channel distribution strategy across many app stores, Bango Analytics standardizes the tracking and reporting for all channels through the addition of one simple library.”

Developers can find more information about Bango Application Analytics at
Bango has also published their Bango Application Data Interface (BADI) and SDK source code as open-source, allowing the mobile development comunity to rapidly accelerate feature development and ensure full coverage across all application platforms.
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