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Bango supports on-bill payment for mobile content in South Africa

by Sukey Miller

Easy billing enables content providers to target 42 million mobile subscribers with an appetite for western content

Mobile web surfers are riding high as Bango today announced it is processing on-bill payments in South Africa, one of the leading countries in the mobile web. South Africa, which is in the top five countries in Bango’s mobile web surfing chart, has over 42 million mobile subscribers and a mobile penetration rate of between 85-90% of the population.

In South Africa, mobiles are the only way for much of the population to access the internet. This factor, combined with an appetite for western content and mobile savvy users, are key reasons for the country’s high traffic growth. And with South Africa being such a dynamic market, both mobile operators and content providers are keen to reach out to millions of subscribers and capitalize on this great opportunity.

“Just as the UK has done, South Africa is embracing off-portal and understands the importance of having an open model,” said Anil Malhotra, SVP Alliances and Marketing. “We have direct WAP billing with the leading South African operators, MTN and Vodacom, to help grow their off-portal services and make it easier for consumers in this top mobile market to pay for mobile content.”

The new on-bill payment available in South Africa gives consumers a simple mobile web-based payment flow, with payment through a single click to their phone bill to deliver the best conversion, payout rates, security and customer satisfaction. More at
Included in the Bango payment service is the Bango Analytics tool which collects data about mobile web visitors – where traffic is coming from, the network and handset. Using its Bango user ID technology it can also identify unique visitors and reliably distinguish between new and repeat visitors. More at
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