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Online advertisers look to mobile and learn

by Sukey Miller

tech San Francisco

Three important events this week illustrate how mobile marketing is finally being taken seriously by the online advertising industry.  First is ad:tech in San Francisco where America’s top interactive marketing executives gather to network, learn and sell. The second is a mobile marketing conference in London from the publishers of New Media Age which aims to “Bring it all together”.  Thirdly, the Mobile Marketing Association has it’s EMEA event this week in London with many pioneers from online and mobile marketing in attendance.  At each event, case studies will figure widely as a way to inspire brands to give it a go and companies will be on hand to guide businesses through every aspect of mobile.

But what can we do to ensure a brand’s first foray into mobile is a successful one?

We believe that starting small and targetting your campaign at the right user demographic is key.  Too many marketers get their fingers burnt by running a 6 figure mobile campaign and then don’t take the important step to determine the ROI and analyze the results.   

Did you reach the countries you wanted with your campaign?   What was your click-through rate and how did this compare with the industry average?  What was the cost of customer aquisition or click-to-call responses?  What the industry needs are standards and metrics for ROI as we have in the online advertising world.  With these, marketers will have the confidence to experiment with marketing to mobile users and learn what works just as we did in online advertising.  That’s why mobile analytical tools will prove to be key for marketers as they move their marketing dollars into mobile advertising and discover how this most personal of all mediums is a powerful new frontier to engage with consumers.

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