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The future of subscriptions: Super Bundling, a win-win-win formula

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In our rapidly changing digital world, the subscription landscape is evolving to meet consumer demands. From captivating TV shows to blockbuster movies, the latest music, immersive gaming adventures, culinary delights, and insights into health and wellness – consumers want it all, on their terms.

At a recent SubSummit 2023 panel session hosted by Bango, Verizon took the stage to talk about their groundbreaking direct-to-consumer platform, Verizon +play. This innovative service is revolutionizing subscriptions by giving power back to consumers. Joining the discussion, leading content providers Duolingo and AMC Networks also shed light on their successful subscription partnerships with telcos.

Watch the video to discover the incredible potential of Super Bundling and learn how you can tap into this game-changing trend to acquire, engage and retain more customers.In this report, you’ll uncover:

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