Telcos ranked as the “best partners” for subscription brands
by Giles Tongue

Interviews with senior executives at ten of the world’s leading subscription brands reveal inside secrets for telcos
Following the rise of subscription bundling in 2024, a new peer report from Bango reveals a clear consensus among ten of the world’s leading subscription brands — telcos are the ideal partners to lead the bundling market opportunity.
One of the 20 key insights from the newly released Bango report Super Bundling: Inside secrets is that senior executives at the world’s leading subscription providers universally believe their brands and telcos can mutually benefit from partnering with one another. For subscription services, telcos offer massive reach and ease of payments. Meanwhile, telcos gain opportunities to reduce churn, increase customer loyalty, and enhance their service offerings by bundling popular subscription services.
“As the subscription economy continues to grow at speed, telcos are uniquely positioned to seize the rising demand for Super Bundling. Subscription brands recognize that the extensive subscriber bases and simple, reliable payment experience offered by telcos makes them the perfect bundling partner.
“Telcos have a golden opportunity to lead on creating content hubs that not only meet consumer demand, but also drive significant growth opportunities for subscription services. For any telco not yet growing its subscriptions business, Super Bundling should be an urgent priority for 2025.”
Paul Larbey, CEO at Bango
In the Inside secrets peer report, Bango draws on in-depth interviews with senior executives at leading subscriptions brands — including three of the ‘top-five’ SVOD platforms, a leading music streaming service, a leading wellbeing app, and a top-five productivity app — to uncover their attitudes to bundling as a growth strategy and their interest in partnerships with telcos.
Telcos poised to lead the Super Bundling market
As part of the report, Bango also reveals that consumer demand for telcos to lead on Super Bundling is not limited to one region but is truly global. In Europe, 46% of consumers want their mobile operator to offer Super Bundling — this number rises to 50% in the Americas and 55% in Latin America. Demand is highest in East Asia, where 66% of consumers want their mobile operator to lead on Super Bundling.
The report explores how, as subscribers increasingly seek a point of access for their subscriptions, telcos are well positioned to lead due to their established relationships, billing infrastructure, and technical capabilities.
According to one senior executive from a top-three SVOD platform, “Telcos are one of the best partners for streaming companies. The core benefits of partnering with telcos are reach, user acquisition, and low friction when it comes to payments.”
Building a successful partnership
Super Bundling: Inside secrets shares a comprehensive roadmap for telcos to keep in mind when embarking on Super Bundling and the creation of a content hub. By emphasizing the importance of careful planning and smart collaboration, the report demonstrates how telcos can create seamless integration, effective marketing, and deliver an excellent user experience for subscription providers.
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