Web browsing from Android phones grows 400% at the expense of Apple
by Sukey Miller

HTC and Sony Ericsson show most growth but BlackBerry retains largest audience
According to new statistics released by Bango Inc, the mobile analytics and payment specialist, the volume of mobile web browsing from Android phones in the USA grew by 400% between Q1 and Q2 2010. In comparison the volume of growth from Apple devices was just 13% over the same period, representing an actual percentage market share decline of 16%.
HTC and Sony Ericsson smartphones showed the largest volume growth of mobile web visits in the US during this period with an increase of 162% and 148% respectively. This represented a growth in market share between quarters of 94% and 84%. In the same period the percentage market share of LG, Motorola and Samsung grew by 48%, 45% and 26% respectively.
BlackBerry smartphones continued to retain the highest volume of mobile web visits during Q2 2010, accounting for 37% of visits to mobile websites in the US. This represents a 20% volume increase over Q1. In comparison 26% of mobile visits were from Apple devices, while phones from HTC, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, LG and Motorola accounted for a total of 27% of the mobile web visits in the US during Q2.
“Even with the advent of Apples new iAd platform and Google’s acquisition of AdMob, BlackBerry still represents the best volume opportunity for mobile advertising in the USA”, said Ray Anderson, CEO of Bango. “Apple appears to be losing ground to the latest Android handsets from HTC, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and Samsung, showing the slowest quarterly growth in web browsing.”
Bango measured the number of mobile visits made in the US across a sample of websites during Q1 and Q2 of 2010. The survey focuses on browsing activity from phones and did not measure mobile application use. The data excludes popular mobile sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This data follows on from a report Bango released earlier this year showing 600% growth in worldwide mobile web usage during 2009. (http://news.bango.com/2010/02/16/600-percent-growth-in-mobile-web-usage/).
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