William Davis, Systems Analyst
by Sukey Miller

With a number of career opportunities at Bango, we spoke with William Davis, Systems Analyst, about his career highlights, passions and experience at Bango.
How would you describe your role as Systems Analyst?
My role sees me design, build and test new integrations, working closely with customers and their APIs to build the best solutions. Being a Systems Analyst means I get to help and advise the Onboarding Engineers with their projects, enabling the team to move forward. I love this aspect of my role because I help other people grow their confidence and experience in their careers.
My job positions me at the forefront of new projects coming into Bango. I am involved in the decision-making stage of new possibilities which is quite exciting because it means I help to forge new relationships with tech world giants. I find my job versatile and engaging, I am learning all the time and expanding my tech skills which gives me the opportunity to progress and opens up new possibilities for my career development at Bango. Since starting at Bango, I have developed my role into a position that suits my career goals.
What do you do outside of Bango?
The Onboarding team are a great bunch of people and we have become a very close-knit group. Socializing with the team after work has become the norm. I think the interaction with my team is one of the best things about working at Bango.
I also go to the gym in the evening so that I can work my body to its full potential, just like I train my brain at work. In my free time I love to watch movies. I’m a film nut. Some of us in the team have even signed up to a cinema unlimited pass, so we can all be film freaks together.
What are you passionate about?
Succeeding in whatever I set out to do. At Bango I take pride in the fact that when I’m given a piece of work, everyone knows it will be completed to a high standard. I would also say being dependable and confident in my abilities allows me to be an asset to my team.
Aside from work, I’m trying to get into fitness because I think looking after yourself is key when working in an office environment. The extra gym workouts have made me passionate about fitness and reaching my personal fitness goals. For example, there is a gym challenge where you try to row 100 meters in less than 13.3 seconds. I really want to sink my teeth into that challenge because the record was set by the world’s strongest man.
What’s it like to work at Bango?
A lot of fun. You have new and complex projects which are engaging and keep my mind on point. There’s such a good atmosphere, we all get along so well. Work is enjoyable because the team works with camaraderie, completing projects and just being awesome.

What’s been your favorite thing about working at Bango?
Even though I’ve mentioned them a lot, you will probably guess that the Onboarding team is my favorite part of Bango. However, Bango also does cracking parties where everyone gets to do activities and have a few drinks. There was one last month and I signed up for off-roading and then tucked into a barbeque. I was exhausted from all the fun.
When I first started at Bango I was offered an amazing opportunity to go to Seattle and meet Amazon. When we were there I was introduced to the Amazon team and learnt a lot about what they do and how they work. The knowledge and skills that I gained from the trip have helped me tremendously with the work I do.
The most important thing in my work life for me is that I’m happy and challenged, working at Bango ensures I have both.
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